Worship Center Refit

I am flying back to Midland this Sunday afternoon. If you’ve read any of this blog, you may have caught the fact that I filled in for Kevin Riggs as worship leader last weekend at Golf Course Rd Church of Christ in Midland. It was a wonderful experience.

Golf Course is going through a building program called “Kingdom Now.” They are adding an entire new state-of-the-art children’s building. Along with that, they have dedicated $2 million for a refit of their worship center.

Kevin Callahan of Callahan Studios is coming down for a day long retreat. He specializes in creating worship spaces that reflect an “ancient future” feel. Many churches are shooting for the concert hall approach. Callahan Studios approach the whole thing very differently. Read through their site and see what I mean.

Anyway, I have been invited to attend the meeting. Sort of an outside viewpoint, so to speak. I am looking forward to it.

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