Jordan Denied

Today was a mixture of feelings. It was the first meeting of Christ Point Church. It was my last day as worship minister. I was officially referred to as “Associate Minister” this morning. Nothing wrong with that. Just strange.

It was probably the best morning we’ve had yet. The band was dead on and sounded great. The worship was wonderful. We had a crowd of almost 450. It was the morning that we’ve dreamed about for years.

For me, it was somewhat bittersweet. We’ve been through many trials and shed many tears in this process. This morning was a sweet experience, one of those times when everything came together just right and the Holy Spirit took over. It was also bitter in that I got a chance to experience it once from the worship leader position. And now my job is done.

I suppose it’s somewhat like seeing the promised land and not being able to cross the Jordan. Not that I’m trying to compare myself to Moses. Except that maybe we were both called “mo” by our close friends.

For a while, at least, I will still get to experience what God is doing as part of the church body. And that is enough. I think maybe I’ve served my purpose here. I came at a time of transition for South Church of Christ. God used me to further that transition and help bring about Christ Family Fellowship. He then used me to help prepare the way for Christ Point Church. The new church is formed and rolling along well (for one day at least).

My new job appears to be putting together a pictorial directory. As I said, maybe I’ve served my purpose here. But this morning sure was sweet.


  1. >Wow. You sure have done and witnessed a lot in a short period of time!

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