Hello Siri

I’ve been holding out. 

Not in the “I’ve got a secret” kind of way. More along the lines of “I’ve got an old 3Gs phone and I’m waiting to upgrade till iPhone 5 comes out.” But… the new iPhone is a 4s, not a 5. And my 3Gs is having troubles after 2.5 years. According to AT&T 2nd level tech, the 3G antenna (which is actually nothing more than a crystal) has zonkered. I had to turn off my 3G and use 2G (otherwise known as Edge) so it would stop dropping calls left and right, which was extremely frustrating. So, now I have a good phone connection and lousy data… unless I’m connected to wifi. 

My son’s phone has been dead for a while. I figure it’s time to upgrade and pass mine down. The question is, which phone do I get? The iPhone 4s is an obvious choice, as I have been all Mac for several years. Still, the power of marketing is undeniable. I seriously considered the Galaxy S2. It’s bigger AND thinner, roughly equivalent in power and architecture to the 4s, and I have a fondness for the underdog (which incidentally is what initially drew me to Apple). 

I chose the iPhone 4s. My choice was due, in large part, to the fact that I have well over $200 in apps for the iPhone that will be useless on an Android. I suspect that was part of Apple’s plan all along. They suck you in and then keep sucking till the way out is just a small dot of light at the end of the tunnel. 

Well, for now I don’t mind being immersed into the cult of Apple. But I find it interesting that I actually considered making a change. What does that say? Is the tide slowly turning? Has Apple reached the top and opened the door for those of us who don’t necessarily like supporting the top dog? Time will tell.

And I will tell you more about the iPhone 4s after I get it tomorrow. Woohoo!


  1. I don’t think the tide is turning. I think it’s fallout from those of us who had our hearts set on the iPhone 5. I’ve got a busted up 4. First it was just cracked class, but after a few more drops in a case that was not worth the money, other problems are coming up more and more.

    Enjoy your 4S. And PLEASE get a decent case for it.

  2. Gary Moyers says

    After one week with the iPhone 4S, survey says “Win!” I love this little thing. And Siri is amazing. I’ve basically stopped typing my texts. Siri just dictates what I say and inserts it into the text box flawlessly. I’m getting lazy. Love it…. and I got the Otterbox Commuter case. Very nice. 5 stars.

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