Facelift for Moyers Online

MoyersOnline.comThis past September of 2010, after much toil and a bit of frustration here and there, we opened our new online store, Moyers Online. Our main company, Moyers Group, has been in the AV Integration field for almost 3 decades. Over that time we’ve added many manufacturer lines to our catalog. We realized that we’ve been holding all that product goodness in reserve for our install company. We created Moyers Online to correct that.

This led to the decision to open the online store and make over 10,000 items available to everyone. Version 1 of our store was hosted by a great webfront store company called Shopify. I would highly recommend them for entry-level and smaller shops. They were very helpful and did a fabulous job setting us up and getting us going. Unfortunately, with our multitude of lines, we found ourself outgrowing their services too quickly.

From there, we began work on Version 2 of our site. We purchased an excellent shopping cart software from Interspire. It was almost like starting from scratch, but the effort has been worth it.

Run by and take a look. And if you happen to be reading this in the first 2 weeks of March 2011 and you purchase something, use the code “marchmadness” at checkout for a discount.

Hope you like the new look. I think it works well and the store is much easier to navigate.

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