Spring Break

If you follow my blog at all, you may have noticed that I’ve been particularly quiet as of late. I decided, mostly after the fact, to take a sabbatical from blogging during the month of April.

Hello May. Time to get back at it.

I am considering a facelift for the site as well. We’ll see about that. Either way, I’ll have more posts for you soon. Thanks for reading…


  1. Jack Foo says

    Welcome back,Gary

  2. Gary,
    Fondly remembering the days of Accapella here in Grand Rapids Michigan, Sandy Pines to be exact. I loved your group as did my 5 children who had to listen to your music every time we were in the car. God Bless you and Thank You for your ministry and inspiration

    • garymoyers says

      Oh yeah, great memories for us too. Grand Rapids was a wonderful place to be. So much so that Wayburn moved there when he left the group. Ever see him?

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