I am really enjoying working with Moyers Sound Solutions and Studio84. For the first few months, I am concentrating my efforts on marketing, trying to catch these companies up to where they need to be.
I have completed my first website for them. It was done for SkyView Helicopters, one of our side businesses. You can see the new site here. As I write this, I am about two days away from completing a pretty deep site for Moyers Sound Solutions… by far the biggest site I’ve done yet. I’ll post that when it’s done.
After that, I have at least two more sites to do. I also have a big convention in November that we’re doing and I am in charge of the booth. Then I have to line up several other conventions, write a couple of magazine articles, line up advertising in several magazines, and that’s just the beginning.
This is all eerily similar to what I did for the Acappella Company from 2000 to 2004. I think that may be why I enjoy it. That, and I get to work from home. No more dressing up for the clients, at least until I hit the road and start doing system consulting and sales.
>I was elated to hear you that you were singing. I only wish I could be there. I have 2 5 year olds and 1 ten year old who are listening to my acapella tapes from to long ago to even think about. They are loving them and so many are scripture based I am hoping that it is sinking in like it has done for me..Thanks for allowing God to use you in such a might way. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. One of my 5 year olds favorites is He Gave Her Water. REALLY COOL.