Next big project is mostly complete. SkyView Helicopters is offering Christmas Lights Tours around Lubbock through December. I had about two weeks to get a website up and put together several print and email marketing pieces. I think it has been successful. Wally tells me the phone is ringing off the wall and there’s a pretty good buzz going on about it in Lubbock. Here is the site if you want to take a look.
Of course, not all that buzz is due to my efforts alone. They’ve worked their tails off passing out flyers, posters and such. And they’ve put together a commercial (which you can see on the front page of the site) as well as a great radio campaign. KLLL alone has done wonders.
So if you’re in Lubbock over the holidays, give SkyView a call. See the lights the way Santa sees them!
On to the next project.
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