Homecoming and Arranging

Homecoming is a little over a month away. Homecoming for Lubbock Christian University.

I was in the graduating class of ’86, the last class to walk the stage under the LCC moniker. Problem was, I still needed 4 hours of foreign language when I did the graduation ceremony. It took me a year to finish a Spanish correspondence course from UT. By the time I had done it, I was booted back to the class of ’87 and my diploma arrived with the wrong major. It said LCC, but wrong major. So I contacted them and they sent a replacement with the correct major, but it now said LCU.

So, I have a diploma from LCC for a Bachelor of Science, and a diploma from LCU for a Bachelor of Music Education.

Anyway, I will be making the trek up to Lubbock for that weekend. They’ve asked me to lead worship at the Alumni Chapel. I assume that means sans guitar. Not that I’m using it anymore…

On that note, pun intended, I have been adding new arrangements to our praise team portfolio. If you’ve read any of my earlier posts, you may have seen the discussion over the new song of the month and the problems with licensing. We have forged ahead, just without recording. Just so you’ll know (and in case you are interested in seeing it), the first song we added was Everlasting God by Brenton Brown. It went very well. The arrangement works great for church and it’s been well received. This Wednesday we introduce I Will Boast by Paul Baloche. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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