Helicopters and Hogs

This past week I had the chance to shoot some aerial HD footage in the Lubbock area. It was a wonderful experience that I plan to do much more of in the future (since it’s part of my job). We shot out of a Robinson R-44 helicopter with the door removed.

After covering downtown Lubbock and some of the Buffalo Lakes area, we continued on into the canyons leading toward Post, TX. We flew over a herd of deer and had some fun with them, but the best part was the hog.

We picked up a massive feral hog coming over the back side of a hill in the canyon. We chased it probably half a mile. It was running full tilt trying to get away from this big red bird in the air. I imagine it was about to die of exhaustion by the time we turned off.

The hog did not make it into this compilation video. Sorry. Hope you enjoy it. YouTube does a good job of squishing the video into ugliness, but the original HD is just stunning. Someone needs to build a Statue of Liberty in Lubbock so I can film it. Maybe a 1200 ft. tall Raider Red.

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