About halfway through the Covid isolation period (or what seems like halfway as I’m writing this), I decided to get our worship team to jump into the “Zoom music video” craze that was going around. It took a lot more work than I anticipated. But isn’t that the way it always is?
Anyway, we chose Control (Somehow You Want Me) as the song and decided to use the sheet music from The Acappella Company’s Praise & Harmony project. After getting everyone’s agreement to do it, I sent out the sheet music and recording of the song to everyone on the team. Out of 40+ singers, I had 31 who took the time to submit their recordings. Not bad!
They were given the usual instructions… create good lighting, listen to the accompaniment track on one device and video yourself on your phone, choose a quiet room, etc. I was amazed at the quality of the recordings that came back. While I used everyone’s video in the project, I only used 24 voices for the final product.
All the voices were imported into Logic Pro where I tuned and fixed timing on all parts. From there, it was over to Premiere Pro where I synced up the final mix of 24 voices with 31 videos. After that, it was a process of editing and getting everything lined up just so.
One of the surprises came when Blake McNeill sent in two submissions… one as tenor and one as vocal perc. It was well done. I did very little editing on his perc. I think I nudged maybe a couple of bass hits and a couple of snare hits. Otherwise, it is as he did it.
We’ve gotten great response from the video. I hope you enjoy it!