How I Lost 23 lbs and 4 Inches (and Counting) in 45 Days

dietI’ve had a lot of questions from many people regarding my weight loss (and my wife’s as well – she’s down 11 lbs). I thought it would be a lot easier to just blog about it. So here goes.

Before I dig into this, let me state up front that this is not something I am trying to sell, nor do I wish to sign you up for an MLM system. I just figure if this is working for me, maybe it might work for you. And by the way, the plan is FREE.

Who Created It?

My wife found the program online. She’s not even sure how she stumbled across it in the first place. It’s called the 21-Day Diet from BioTrust. BioTrust is a nutrition company and they sell all kinds of supplements for diets and healthy living. Some of these products are suggested in the diet, although we did not purchase anything from them. I’m sure their stuff is good. We just chose not to purchase any.

How Does It Work?

I’m not a nutritionist or a diet guru, but here’s my understanding of how this thing works. Most diets function in such a manner that, after a while, the body begins to figure out what you’re doing and start storing away fat for reserve. The 21-Day Diet intentionally mixes things up from day to day so that your body won’t have the chance to store anything.

In case you haven’t figured it yet, 21 days is 3 weeks. Each week follows the same pattern, but the pattern itself is varied regarding what you’re eating. The diet requires you to eat 6 meals per day. None are big meals, although the way it’s structured, we generally had a pretty big evening meal anyway.

For each week, you have 5 days of meals, 1 day of protein shakes and 1 day of fasting (clear liquids are allowed). The meal days are mixed up so that one day you eat only proteins and fats, while the next you eat only proteins and carbs.

The shakes are sold by BioTrust, but we found a nice (read: cheap) alternative at Walgreens. The fasting day is really not so hard, if you’ve never done it. We would use bullion cubes in hot water at meal times so we felt like we weren’t going bonzo on water and tea.

The meal requirements are pretty structured and it takes some planning and commitment. BioTrust gives you a listing of everything that falls under each heading: protein, fats and carbs. You have a wide choice of foods from which to choose. Basically, we ate what we normally eat, but in specific portions and combinations. Also, all veggies are free. Anytime. We would load up on zucchini, broccoli, green beans, carrots, etc., oftentimes adding soy sauce or teriyaki and throwing it in the wok.

After the 21 days, they have a program called Day 22. It’s basically an ongoing thing that’s very similar to the 21-Day Diet, just a lot more loose. I’ve honestly felt like we weren’t dieting. Most of the time we felt full and really didn’t want to eat. Supposedly, six meals each day keeps your metabolism going and you burn fat faster. Whatever it does, it works, and works well.

You can download the PDF that explains everything from this link. The PDF is free and it lays everything out for you.

Let me know if you try it. I’d love to hear how it works for other folks. We’re still going on Day 22. I started at 275 lbs. I’m down to 252 as of today (Aug 25, 2013) and my first goal is 240 lbs. by mid-November. After that, we’ll see what happens.

Good luck!


As of Christmas Day 2013, I am down to 230 lbs. That’s 45 pounds lost and I’ve never really felt like I was dieting. I am looking for ways to add exercise to the mix. After 4 knee surgeries, my options are somewhat limited, although I feel like a new man and walking across the room is no longer painful. I’m seriously considering a stationary bike.

Also, since this was first posted, BioTrust has started charging for their diet info. The link above has been changed and you must register and pay a small fee (less than $10, I believe). They make it kind of hard to figure it out. Let me know if you need help. Good luck!

Natural Energy When You Need It

I’m a night owl. My mind starts going about 9:00 PM and won’t shut down until midnight or so. In the mornings, I usually arise around 6:30 AM. It’s pretty common for me to get less than 6 hours sleep. For years, coffee has been my best friend. Due to my third round of kidney stones,  I haven’t had more than 1 cup of coffee per week in over 4 months. Carbonated drinks are even more rare… maybe one a month.

I have really been in need of something else to supply energy to get me through the day (short of sleeping more, which I occasionally do). To that end, I have found something that I think works extremely well. I’ve recently become an Independent Business Owner with Genesis Pure, Inc. offering health and nutrition products. They offer an all-natural energy drink that works wonders.

ENERGY comes in packets and you mix it with 8-12 ounces of water. They recommend (and I agree) to drink it before you hop in the shower in the morning. By the time you’re out and dressed, you feel great. It provides sustainable and healthy energy all day long. Unlike other “energy drinks”,  this produces no crash afterward, no jitters, no nervousness, no hyperactivity and no heart palpitations.

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The Power of Introverts

I’ve been a raging introvert all my life. The common response from most people who hear this is, “No way!”  Well, sorry… very much way.

One of my favorite things to do as I was growing up in Lubbock was to sit in my parents bedroom under the evaporative air conditioner and play with my Johnny West figures. You know… the ones that we’re about 10 inches tall and made of hard plastic? Sort of like the old G.I. Joe but much cooler. Anyway, I would sit there for hours with my 10 or so figures and pen and paper and hold a diving contest. Those things were great for flipping in the air. They’d do all kinds of spins and stunts. It was like Olympic diving. I would give them scores and hold tournaments.

Geronimo seemed to win the most. I guess it was something to do with his weight distribution.

I would do this for hours on end, all by myself (I was an only child). And I was perfectly happy to be all by myself. I suppose that was an indication of my personality and my introversion. My life proceeded in much the same manner.

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Food for Thought: Is Our Food Killing Us?

I ran across this video from TEDx Austin of Robyn O’Brien. She spoke on the state of the food industry in the U.S. with emphasis on the additives and the connection to food allergies. It is pretty sobering.

One thing that really struck me was the information on milk additives. As you’ll hear, the milk industry made some sweeping changes in 2004… which coincidentally (?) is the same year my wife developed an allergy to dairy products.

This video is just short of 20 minutes, but well worth the time. Pull up a chair, get comfortable and watch.

Is Heartburn An Issue of the Heart?

My family history has an issue with health. Most of my uncles (Father’s side) have heart troubles of one sort or another. Every time I go to a new doctor, I fill out the requisite questionnaire which always asks if I have a family history of heart attacks, diabetes, hangnail, athlete’s foot, etc. Consequently, this little fact keeps hovering in the back of my mind.

More often than I care to admit, I deal with heartburn and I wonder (and hope) that heartburn is all it really is. For a period of time last year, I took an OTC heartburn medication daily… well, in two week periods. Then I would go off meds for a couple of weeks and it would return. As did the medication.

Where does heartburn come from?

Obviously, it has nothing to do with the physical heart. It just happens to produce pain in that same general area, which in turn causes anxiety and stress which may actually feed the heartburn. That’s not a fun cycle.

I read an article by Dennis Thompson of HealthDay entitled “” He says that, generally, heartburn and acid reflux strike many people as an annoying and painful but ultimately harmless problem — a result of overindulgence and gluttony that must be endured. Frequent bouts of heartburn and reflux constitute a real medical condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which is on the rise worldwide.

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6 Health Tips: Make Eating a Family Affair

I ran across some suggestions by Diana Kohnle in HealthDay News that I found to be mostly common sense – but mostly ignored by our fast-paced lifestyle. In the same vein as the advice found in Ecclesiastes 4:12 (a cord of three strands is not quickly broken), it’s much easier to eat healthy when everybody in the family is practicing the same nutritional habits. Easier said than done? Most certainly. But it’s worth looking at.

Cook meals at home, together as a family.

This suggestion provides multiple benefits. Family time comes at a premium these days. Between the ridiculously overbooked schedule of parents, electronics games for the kids, 248 channels on television and school activities, it’s getting harder and harder to find time to share with your loved ones… whatever age they may be. Involving the family in preparation of the meal provides for great conversation and, just as important, education. Teaching your children how to cook will go a very long way toward keeping them healthy as they set off on their own.

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A Healthy New Start for 2012

A friend of mine told me that his New Year’s resolution was to not make any more resolutions. Which means he broke his resolution immediately. There’s a nice irony in there somewhere.

I have made a few resolutions here and there. Most of them haven’t lasted. I’m still overweight. I still haven’t made it through the Bible in a year (although I’m trying again this year). But one thing I MUST do… get more healthy.

I am taking way too much medication. Cholesterol, Pre-Diabetic, Restless Leg, 2 meds for high blood pressure, a plethora of vitamins… too much. Fortunately, a friend of mine turned me on to a new health & nutrition company called Genesis Pure. They specialize in all natural, pure, and organic products.

Dr. Lindsay Duncan founded the company which is based on three tenants: 1). Cleanse your body, 2). Balance your body, and 3) Build your body.

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Productivity and Focus (LOOK! a Bird!)

As I approach a change in employment, I’ve found myself examining many different aspects of my life. I suppose that’s normal for people in this stage of life. It’s a time to look back and see what you did right and wrong. Looking back helps you to improve and move forward with a better foundation.

I ran across an article by Ilya Pozin from INC. Magazine entitled “7 Things Highly Productive People Do.” Most of the article slapped me around pretty good. In fact, I found myself guilty on 6 of the 7 things mentioned. I encourage you to read the article and “ponder your ways.” The list consists of things that should seem pretty obvious but are strangely elusive.

For instance, #3 on the list is be militant about eliminating distractions. That’s a tough one for me. I seem to be continually checking e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, texting, etc. trying to follow up on leads or just finish conversations. Consequently, the main thing I’m working on tends to take much longer than it should.

Schedule your email is #4 on the list. I get to the point where I hate that little ding going off telling me I’ve got mail. I see it sitting there and I must read it. MUST.

Again, I suggest you take a look at the article. It makes some great points and even one of the list of seven can make a difference in your productivity and focus. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get up and take a short break, which is mentioned in #7. Go read it.

New Job

I mentioned that I would update you on my new job. I am the new Executive Director of Mission Center Adult Day Service. We are a non-profit organization that provides adult day care services for clients who are not capable of spending the day by themselves. The majority of our clients suffer from Alzheimer’s, although we have other medical diagnosis patients as well.

I have spent the last month under the training and guidance of the former ED, Terry Smith. She has served as director for six years and done an amazing job. The Center was in pretty serious straights when she took over and she has brought it to a stable standing with a great reputation in the community. She has many years of experience and has tirelessly drilled it into my bald head for the past month. Today was her last day. I am on my own now (he says shriveling into the corner).

Working with Alzheimer’s has been an enlightening experience. It is a ministry in itself and I have learning much in the past month. These are sweet people who have been ravaged by a disease with no cure… yet.

We have one lady who has owned (and still does) restaurants in the Texas panhandle. She can seldom speak an intelligible sentence and in her mind she is overseeing her own business. We work for her. I love it.

We have another gentleman who was part of the occupation force in Germany after WWII. He was one of the men responsible for rebuilding the country after the war. He is also a member of MENSA. His brilliant mind is mostly scattered now, and what conversation is possible ranges back and forth from English to French to German.

There are many such stories. We have over 40 clients who spend the day with us in our facility and each one is unique. Our mission is not only to serve these clients, but to enhance the lives of their caregivers, most often their adult children. In some cases, it is their spouse who is aging as well but with a sound mind and frail body. Mission Center provides much needed relief.

So, while this may be the first job I’ve had that is not either music-related or church-affiliated, it is still very much a ministry. Keep me in your prayers.

~ Gary