Another Change

I began this blog in early October of ’06 partly as an attempt to chronicle a life change. I was searching for a new job. It seems this blog is still needed for that purpose.

Nine days ago I was called into the Executive Minister’s office and let go. I was told that my reason for dismissal was that I am “not a good fit for this church.” I’ve done nothing wrong, other than (in their opinion) not having the skill set to lead the church in worship as effectively as has been done in the past here at GCR.

I do not feel that this public forum is the proper place to air my grievances about this, so I will not elaborate at this time. Sherri and I are understandably shocked and hurt. The only thing I will say about this is that it is a shame that I have never really been able to let them see the real me. I have tried to tailor my style of worship leading to fit a package that they were desiring. I was never able to move the church to a point that I could feel free to cut loose and lead the way I would like (which in my opinion this church needs badly… a new and refreshed approach to worship). Maybe this in itself is a sign that I am not a fit. The elders have been gracious to give me a long period in which to find new employment.

I have committed to my children that we will not be moving. The change from Corpus Christi to Midland was devastating to my kids. It has taken them, Ashley especially, months to recover their smile. It has only been in the past few weeks that I have seen them return to normal. I’ll not mess that up again. Also, my wife has just begun teaching in the Midland school system. She is working with special needs children in a local Jr. High. So unless God throws us a really big curve ball, we are staying in Midland for the foreseeable future.

Please pray for our family as we enter this new period in our lives. Pray that I will be directed to the job I am supposed to have and have the wisdom to recognize it. Sherri and I still firmly believe, even through all the troubles of the change, that we were supposed to move to Midland. God made it pretty clear. It turns out that GCR was just the tool to bring us here. So now we wait on God to show us the real reason.

Lord, illuminate us.


  1. >Oh! Gary! I’m so sorry! We know your pain, and will pray for God to show you exactly what he wants for you to do next. We’re hanging out here in Virginia just waiting to talk to you guys! Here’s email…you’ll have to write to get the rest! 🙂 Lane &

  2. >Gary and family,I just wanted to say that I’m sorry to hear about this. It’s a shame that your time was cut SO short, even before you, and obviously our church, had time to adjust to the change.Now that this door has been closed (or slammed shut, however you prefer to look at it), :o) I know that God is opening a door you probably never would have even thought about going through before.We will pray for peace, direction and wisdom for you all.Patty Holt

  3. >Hi Gary,I am not sure whether you remember me or not…but we are not attending the church there and I did read the announcement and I was devastated. You are a man of tremendous talent and I am just so sorry you and Sherry are going through this. Please email or call, we would love to visit with you guys. God will bring you where you need to go and if you need anything…please let us know.Karen and Rich Keller

  4. >Keep your eyes on Jeremiah…. (29:11 — not the bullfrog). It’s guaranteed.Much love and many prayers,Lana

  5. >Gary, this is Carlos from Voces…i am so schocked to hear about whats going on…if they only realized what they had…i will be in midland march 20 and would love to just say hi. i’m leading songs at a spanish conference there. you have been one of my musical heroes when it comes to christian music…i want to share with you many good things that Voces has been able to do..and i thank God that you were the main person to get it going…know that the little time that was invested in Voces has turned into something big in the spanish brotherhood and YOU had sooo much to do with that…i say this to lift your spirits and encourage you at this time in your life. God will put you where you need to be…and please, never, ever stop or even slow down on your musical journey…it has blessed soooo many lives…call me sometime or email me… 909 717 6672

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