If you’ve read any of my blog, you know I’m a Mac nut. That, of course, extends to the iPhone and iPad. I’ve always felt that one of the warts on the i-frog is their calendar app. It’s hard to navigate and read. It’s also just kind of ugly.
Lots of companies have issued their version of a calendar app, but my favorite by far is Calvetica. It’s a clean layout, very easy to read and extremely fast. You can also change the skin to vary your visual experience on occasion.
This morning (July 20, 2011) they released a universal app that works both on the iPhone and the iPad. While the iPhone version is good, the iPad version is fabulous. I highly recommend it. You can find it on iTunes here.
[…] One other major factor has played a part in my acceptance of the Nexus. I have been a Gmail user for many years. When I made the switch from PC’s to Apple back in 2006, I never really jumped over to the dotMac address. I used the calendar since I had an iPhone pretty early in the game, but that was about it. Being so heavily invested in Google and all their products has made it very easy to switch to Android. At this point, I don’t use any of Apple’s iCloud products, especially since the iPhone allows for syncing of my Google calendar into their calendar… even though I use a different app on the iPhone anyway (see my post about Calvetica). […]